Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I have a lot to catch up on and I will, but for now I'd like to share with you my progress pics.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Don't be a Halloweenie.

I am very happy to say that I have hit 2 major goals in the past few days! First is my NSV (Non Scale Victory), I had a goal to not have my thigh touch the steering wheel when I drove. I am happy to say that after 2 weeks of not driving and getting behind the wheel on Monday afternoon, my thigh was a good 1"-2" under the wheel!!! WAHOO!!! The second goal is a numbers one. I have lost 15lbs since surgery 2 weeks ago, 25lbs total since my pre-op diet 4 weeks ago.

I started mushy foods and it's a welcome relief from all the liquids, but I'm already bored. HA! Truth is, nothing really tastes that good. Everything seems kind off. It is quite common for VSG patients to have issues with their tastebuds, so it doesn't shock me. 

The hardest thing right now in recovery seems to be just how sleepy I am. I still feel the need to take a nap during the day which is really hard when you are taking care of a 4 year old. Like right now, I started this blog entry to keep me awake! Otherwise I'd be dozing off in this chair right now. :P

Yesterday was the first day that I was able to get in all 64oz of my fluids. I was so happy to finally hit that mark. It makes me realize that things are moving forward, even if, VERY slowly. Patience has never been my forte. 

I wish you all a very Happy Halloween! This is my favorite holiday and I was unable to fully celebrate it this year like I like to. It makes me sad, but I know it's all going to be worth it next Halloween when my life is drastically improved. I love Shelly's WOW for today:

My mantra when tempted by poor choices & not-so-fun size candy bars: "Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at the moment."

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Slowly but surely.

It's really hard to put into words everything I've been going through this past week. There have been so many times where I sit down to write out a post but get lost in my own feelings.

I knew this wouldn't be a walk in the park. However, I didn't expect the healing to take so long. I still feel like a "patient" not myself. I'm still in pain at night from the incisions, although they are starting to really itch, which I think means they are healing. I need help putting on my socks, plugging my phone in, or whenever I drop something because I can't bend over. I am constantly being asked if I'm drinking enough (out of goodwill and concern, I know, but it gets a little irritating, I won't lie?),

I did put regular clothes on for the first time last night when we went to Theis Family Farm for their Pumpkin Land. It's a tradition we've done every year with Nathan since he was born. It wasn't as enjoyable this year, first because it was FREEZING and second because I couldn't do the hay ride or run around with Nathan. However, seeing the smile on his face made the whole thing worth it. We were only there for about 1 hour but it was nice to feel human again.

Today we went "Trunk or Treating" at church and Nathan had a blast. Me however, well, about 20 mins into it I was sweating, in pain, had a headache and was nauseated. It doesn't really hit you that you are RECOVERING until you push yourself too far. I got home, had a good cry, drank some protein and now I feel a bit better. Nathan was the cutest little Angry Bird though. I'm just grateful I was able to be there with him, even if we had to cut it short. 

I got to try some pureed foods today. I decided to go with a blended soup since it had a bunch of protein, Campbells Bean & Bacon to be specific. I whizzed it up in my blender stuck it in the microwave and OMG it's like the best thing I've had to eat in 4 weeks! LOL. It made 10oz of soup with 10gms of protein and it took me over an hour and a half to eat it. It's amazing how small my stomach really is now. This is the first time I've really had to pace myself eating something because it was GOOD! I'm going to have abt 1/2 cup of cottage cheese tonight to get my protein up to where it should be. I'm actually looking forward to it! 

I was warned that around the 2 week mark I would get emotional. Fat cells are where our hormones are stored so when we burn nothing but fat, all those hormones bombard us with emotional issues. Today was one of those days. I had a good cry and thankfully my hubby was there with a comfy shoulder to cry on. He helped talk me through it all and I feel better now. I am learning to accept that this is a process. I am an instant gratification kind of person and I need to learn to take my time, accept what I can and can't do and let myself heal and move forward each day. 

So far I haven't hit either of my water or protein goals, but I am getting closer everyday. I never thought it would be so hard just to drink water! I know in the long term this will be exactly what I need, the restriction of food, but it's kinda discouraging when you feel like you have a drink in your hand ALL day and you still can't reach your goal. 

I am very thankful to my friends and family that have been there for me. I can't thank my brother enough. He and my SIL drove out here from Ohio with very little notice to come help take care of me so my husband could go back to work. I called him Monday afternoon and 8hrs later he was in a car driving here. It was a big boost to my reserves having him here. He helped out in so many ways. Not just by driving Nathan back and forth to school, or doing my dishes, or making sure I was drinking, he was a source of familiarity and it made it easier to relax and know that he was here. I'm very lucky that he was able to just pick up and come out when I really needed him. I broke out in tears when he walked through the door. Sometimes what you need most is just a hug. He worked with me and helped make sure I was drinking enough because if not I was going to be readmitted into the hospital. When my Dr. called on Thursday afternoon and I gave them my numbers and they were happy I was ECSTATIC that I wold be able to stay home. I know a little bit of that victory is in part thanks fo my brother who would wake me up from my naps, not let me out of the car, or would just annoy me, until I drank some more. It was a great visit even if it wasn't for the best of reasons. It was a little bit weird to be taken care of by my little brother though! :P

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Home sweet home.

Somehow I've been able to take in enough fluids that when my Dr, called to check on me this afternoon he said I didn't need to be admitted tonight. Thank GOODNESS!!!
I've been averaging around 50oz fluids & 50gms protein which is a HUGE increase from what I was doing on Monday, only 30oz fluids & 15gms protein. 
Good news is that I'm 22lbs down total including my pre-op diet. 12lbs down since surgery. 
I hope things continue to improve, I was given the go ahead to start Phase 2 foods on Monday if I am consistently getting in my fluids. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fluids, Fluids, Fluids.

SO, I had my 1 week check up on Monday afternoon, which was kinda silly in my eyes because I was just discharged from the hospital on Friday. Anywho....

I went in and they took 1 look at me and said I had a choice, IV fluids downstairs and I have to call back Thursday afternoon with hopefully a better day or be admitted again right then and there. So, I opted for the IV fluids and to go home since my husband absolutely has to go back to work tomorrow and I have no one who can help/watch my kid. 

He did say if I'm not able to up my fluids I will be readmitted on Thursday so I can be monitored. He attributes all these issues with my sleeve being swollen and restricting volume. Today I only managed about 15gms of protein and 32oz of fluids. Not gonna cut it. 


I had my little crying fit tonight, "why the hell did I do this to myself?!? What a stupid decision." etc. 

I feel so defeated right now. I'm trying so hard to buck up and keep trying but it's so hard when your body won't do what you ask of it. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Home & Sleeved!

So, I went into the hsoptial on Tuesday the 16th to get sleeved at 2pm. The dr. was running behind so I didn't actually get back to the OR until about 4:30pm. From what I am told the surgery was "textbook". Very easy. The recovery however, NOT very easy. 

I had a very hard time coming out of anethesia, which was new for me, I've had past surgeries and not had any issues. From what I was told and what I remember from being in and out of conciousness, I woke up vomiting and dry heaving. They gave me 5 different nausea medications to get me to stop. Because of the vomitting I was in immense pain so they had to drug me up really well. I remember crying so hard, wailing that "it hurt" over and over. I spent almost 3hrs in the PACU before I was able to be controlled with medicine. I was moved into my room where I was just supposed to spend 1 night at about 9pm. I don't remember much of that night, must have really been knocked out on pain meds. 

The next morning I had my leak test done and it came back perfect. Then my Dr. came to see me and was concerned because everytime I took a sip of fluid, be it water, popsicle, ice chips, tea or anything. about 10 seconds after the sip I would get a horrible sharp pain in my stomach. Because of this pain, I was unable to get the required fluids down (4-6oz per hour) and I was told I would be spending another night in the hospital. He thought that most of the pain and issues I was having was from swelling that was talking a longer than normal time to heal. 

That night & the next morning I was still in pain everytime I would drink. I would try to force myself but the pain was very intense. By this point I had my first "freak out" moment of what the hell did I do to myself. This has been a disaster. But, I bucked up, kept walking the halls, sipping and sleeping. 

The next morning my Dr. came to see me again. He checked all my incisions, I only ended up with 4 ports, and they were healing very nicely. He decided since I was still in a lot of pain when I was drinking that we should try Carafate to help coat my stomach until the swelling went down. He also told me, and this was at 9:30am that I would NOT being going home today either. It was another night in the hospital for me. However, the Carafate was a god-send because that day I was finally able to start drinking my liquids! I was so proud to get just 3oz down in a hour! Then I made it to 4oz and hit the wall. I couldn't make it past 4oz. Walk, sip, sleep repeat all day & night. 

Finally on Friday at about 11:15am I was released from the hospital!! Yay!! I was thrilled to get out of there. I was NOT planning on spending 4 days & 3 nights in the hospital. Because I was healing slowly I was worried that no matter what I did I wouldn't be able to get my fluids in, and even today I am still having issues doing so. 

Today is my 6th day of recovery and I'm sometimes able to get my 6oz of water/gatorade/propel down in an hour but those are rare victories I still struggle to do so. I attempted to drink some protein yesterday and I ended up in so much pain that I threw my clothes on and went for as long a walk as possible to hopefully move it around. It was terrible. It was only 4oz, sipped over an hour. I was completely miserable for a good 3-4hrs. I took some pain meds and layed down and took a nap. For the rest of the day yesterday I did nothing but water/gatorade/propel and managed to get down 12oz in 2hrs last night before bed. The most ever so far! 

So, because I know I need to get some protein in I am trying again today with the protein. I've watered it down so hopefully it moves through easier. Although, I just drank my 4th oz and I'm feeling quite full already. I've been drinking 1oz every 10 mins. 

The best piece of advice I've ever gotten about this surgery is "Never trust a fart". Let me tell you it is SPOT ON. I'm still passing a ton of gas from the surgery, from both ends but when it's the lower end I make sure to get to the bathroom because you just never know. LOL. Better safe than sorry. 

My husband has been amazing. He has been talking care of our 4 year old on his own since Tuesday and keeping the house together and being my nurse. I am so thankful for all that he has done during this time. There is nothing like knowing you have all the support in the world sitting right next to you when you are questioning what you just did to yourself. 

I feel stronger mentally and physically now. I have my post-op Dr.s appointment tomorrow at 1:30pm. I am supposed to be moved onto soft/purreed foods tomorrow, but I have a feeling that since I am still struggling with fluids he might wait. We will have to see. 

I weighed in at 341.6lbs when I checked in at the hospital on Tuesday afternoon. The day I came home from the hospital I weighed 345.8lbs from all the fluids & stuff from surgery. This morning I weigh 336.6lbs. 

Overall this journey has been a lot harder than I anticipated. I've read all the stories, talked to lots of people and we all just go through this surgery differently. Seems like I caught  the harder end of recovery. The good news is that all my vitals, my new stomach and I are doing VERY well. I just need to keep pushing fluids. I will be anxious to see what the Dr has to say tomorrow. 

Thanks to everyone for all the support!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tomorrow is the day.

It's almost time. I got the call from the OR this morning. I will officially be sleeved at 2pm tomorrow afternoon. It's been a long journey. It's been 20+ years of being overweight, 1+ year of serious life change & 4 months since I decided on weight loss surgery. I am excited to start this part of my journey and to fully live for the first time.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

This place is pretty sweet. They have a good selection of diet/bariatric products and their shipping is FAST!! Want $10 worth of product for free?!?! Just sign up and in the referral box put my email address: and you will get $10 FREE to use on their website with NO minimum order! It's a pretty sweet deal. Check it out!

I just ordered some BariWise Fruit Drink, I definitely recommend this stuff!

My life in numbers.

A lot of people are shy about showing their numbers. Personally I can't tell you how many times I've told someone what I actually weigh and they are shocked, they couldn't believe I really weighed that much. I am much more than these numbers, but they provide more than pain, shame and embarrassment for me. They provide me with goals, progress and hopes. I hope to NEVER see some of these numbers again in my life. I will make these goals and I will share my progress with you. Part of this journey is being honest and not only with myself. Sometimes the best motivation is having others know the truth.

Age: 29
Height: 5'5"
Highest Weight: 375lbs
Lowest Weight in past 5 years: 318lbs
Starting Weight: 351lbs
Pounds lost so far: 9lbs
Current Weight: 342lbs
Current BMI: 56.7
Goal at 1 year weight: 228lbs
Amount to loose to get to goal: 114lbs
Current Pants size: 28
Current Shirt size: 22/24

Body Measurements:
Wrist: 7in
Bicep: 21.75in
Neck: 15in
Bust: 50.5in
Chest: 42.5in
Belly: 52.25in
Waist: 43.75in
Hips: 64.5in
Thigh: 37in
Calf: 26.5in

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

7 days to go!

It's been a WEEK! I made it through a week!!

This has probably been one of the most challenging things I've ever done. These past 7 days have been rough, but I made it. I have 7 more to go until my surgery. I really struggled on day 5. I had the worst headache that just pounded and made me nauseated. I lost control and I cheated. I at least chose a decent food to cheat with. I had about 2 cups of cottage cheese. It's on the 2nd phase foods and it was full of protein but I still felt like crap for cheating. I just lost all my willpower that night. I was alone, hubby was out at a hockey game and I was miserable. What I learned from this situation though is the cottage cheese didn't make it better. Food doesn't make me feel better. Food is not about feelings, it's about nutrition. I think this was a worthwhile lesson to learn. Yes, I had to cheat on the diet to learn it, but in the long haul it is going to make me stronger. I've never thought I was an emotional eater, I still don't think that but I can see how my emotions led me to eat that night. The whole situation gives me something to work on and hopefully that will motivate me to finish out this diet and move onto my surgery with a good mind frame.

This biggest thing I can say about this diet is that I am SO SICK OF SWEET things. UGH! Everything is sweet, and not just sweet, like teeth aching sweet. They say your tastebuds change during this journey and it's for sure already happening. The protein shakes I am having to drink are just so sweet that it's hard to stomach them. I was literally crying about it yesterday to Michael. I just wanted something that wasn't sweet!! Thank goodness I had a sample of Unjury Chicken Soup Protein powder. It literally saved me that day. It was drinkable and while it kinda tastes like a Ramen Noodle packet minus the noodles at least it wasn't sweet! Of course, now I'm out of it and waiting for my canister to be delivered. Oh well!

Overall the past week has been full of emotions, ups & downs, victories and defeats. It's been a tough 7 days but with the support of my amazing husband and my awesome friends I've made it through one hurdle and I'm ready to keep working towards the next one!

Total weight loss for Week 1: 9lbs.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pre-op diet update. Day 4.

 Today is day 4 of my 2 week liquid diet. I thought I was going to DIE yesterday!!! The nausea, the pounding headache. I was in bed at 7pm and asleep at around 9pm. I didn't wake up until 10:30am!!! I slept like 13hrs! My head was pounding so bad that I thought I would NEVER get to sleep, it was the most awful feeling. I ended up taking 2 benadryl and that finally knocked me out. 

 I feel SOOOO much better this afternoon. I have a slight, dull headache still but I feel awake for the first tiem since I started the liquid diet. I hope things continue to get better from here. I'm not struggling with being hungry much. I have been SUPER gassy however, from both ends. 

And hello Jay Robb protein powder!!!! Seriously the BEST one I've tried so far. I made a Pumpkin Pie shake from the Vanilla, added some Pumpkin Pie spice. YUMMY!! I had the JR Pina Colada this morning too, seriously the stuff has NO aftertaste and no chalkiness. Serious yums. 

I've also lost 9, N-I-N-E lbs since Tuesday morning. Holy Carp. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

Day 3 of the pre-op diet and I am starting to feel ok. Which is surprising because I hardly slept at ALL last night. I was so tired I went to bed at 9pm, but tossed and turned still somewhere in the 2am mark. Of course my little monster Nathan woke me up at 6am so it's going to be a long day!

Yesterday I did it!! I managed to get all 5 of my protein shakes in. Some of them were not so yummy but I did enjoy the AboutTime Peanut Butter shake. I added 1 TBSP of PB2 to if for some extra flavor and protein and it way yummy! I also had some Won Ton soup broth and OMG, it was like I was drinking a little slice of heaven. So sad, I know. But when all you are "eating" is protein shakes even some soup broth can taste like a million bucks!

Today my mission was to find some Syntrax Matrix protein. I've heard really good reviews about this brand and I'm already getting bored and tired of the chalky taste of some powders. Lots of bariatric patients say their Mint Cookie flavor is to die for and the Cookies & Creme isn't far behind. I ran around to different vitamin & supplement stores and finally found the Cookies & Creme flavor at The Vitamin Shoppe. Price was about $2 more than online so I decided to go for it.

I'm glad I did! It was very good! First impression when you open the container is that it looks like smashed up cookies!! Real looking "cookie" bits and all! The smell?! AH-mazing. I kept saying "please taste as good as you smell, please!". I whipped up a shake with water as directed and let me tell you, YUMMY! It has a bit of that protein smell after being mixed but there is no chalky taste to it at all. I bet it would taste even better mixed with some almond milk instead of the water next time. So thank goodness I have found 2 shakes that I can get down with no problems. This one and the CLICK. 

One thing that is really bugging me is that my stomach is CONSTANTLY rumbling. Not because I'm hungry actually but because of all the liquid. I feel so bloated and, excuse me, gassy. My entire digestive system is just rumbly and grumbly and just UGH!

Overall yesterday was an easier day and today is shaping up to be pretty well, even though I am seriously tired. As Dory would say;

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Unauthorized Guest Post!

Hello to all!  I am Heather's husband, Michael.  Heather has no idea that I am posting this on her blog.  However, I thought I would share some of my thoughts about Heather's decision to have weight loss surgery and why I have absolutely no doubt she will succeed.

My wife of almost 10 years can do just about anything.  I've seen her find her way to New Jersey to meet some guy who she knew only by a screen name.  I've seen her teach herself how to knit amazing toys and gifts for friends and family members (or strangers in need).  I've seen her read entire books in one day. I've seen her handle a very challenging 4 year old and our home day after day while I am at work or out at some sporting event or church group.  She does a terrific job at all of it, even if I do give her a hard time sometimes.

The one thing that has always scared me about Heather has been her weight.  Her appearance has nothing to do with my worry, as I believe she is beautiful inside and out.  I've been scared because of her health.  While Heather is a generally healthy person, she has had problems with her back for as long as I have known her.  Her weight, combined with the pressure it puts on her back, means we can't be as active as we want to be and enjoy the outdoors and other special moments as a family.  I also know that being overweight can have increasing health effects as one gets older, and I want to make sure that Heather is around for a long, long time, as I couldn't ever imagine my life without her.

That is why I fully support Heather's decision to have surgery.  I have no doubt that not only will the surgery help her to become more healthy, but that she really wants to be that way.  I know that Heather will follow every piece of advice and every word that her doctors say.  I know that Heather has been thoroughly vetted by the fine folks at the SSM Weight Loss Institute, and firmly believe that they would have rejected Heather for this surgery had she not had a fantastic opportunity to do well.  The doctors have told me and Heather that her current generally good health gives her an excellent chance to have a successful surgery, recovery, and subsequent weight loss.  I don't think there's a chance... I think it will be automatic.

Not that it won't take some work.  I'm sitting here thinking about what it would be like to go 48 hours without eating anything.  I think I'd go out of my mind.  She's done it and still has 12 days to go.  No pizza or pasta for the rest of my life?  I'd go clinically insane.  See what I mean when I said Heather could do anything?  I'm so very proud of her, and I know she'll make it.

I have no idea what our lives will be like after the surgery.  However, I'm so excited to see what the future brings.  Ten years of marriage is a huge milestone, and I'm very likely to celebrate it with a happier and healthier wife.  Nothing would make me more grateful.

Thanks for listening to me ramble and for supporting Heather as her surgery date approaches.  You never know, I might just pop up again and post here.  In the meantime, all of Heather's family and friends should know that I am by her side through it all and will support her before this surgery, after this surgery, and for the rest of her life.  I take that responsibility very seriously, and I expect all of you to hold me to it.  Until next time...


I will be a beautiful butterfly.

This may sound a little corny, but last night I was thinking......

This journey of mine to become a healthier, more active and more beautiful Heather is like a Caterpillar turning into a butterfly. I have surpassed the caterpillar stage, the sitting around being lumpy and accepting my fate instead of doing something about it. I have started to build my chrysalis which wraps me in love and support from my family and friends. It's while in this chrysalis, during and after my surgery, where I will change, emotionally and physically to eventually become a beautiful butterfly. I love this analogy because it's so relate-able. So from now on my symbol of hope and success for my weight loss journey will be the butterfly. I bought this necklace to remind me everyday of my journey and what is to come after all the hard work and effort I put into this.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day One.

Today was the beginning of my 2 week pre-op liquid protein diet. I was nervous this morning a little bit. Everything started out pretty well. I made my first protein shake in my handy dandy Blender Bottle and hit the ground running!

Surprisingly it wasn't bad! I had a chocolate shake (Muscle Milk Light) with light soy milk. Everything went well, I had another shake later (Click Espresso) with 1/2 water 1/2 almond milk and YUM-O that was amazing. Definitely a go do shake. About 2hrs later around when I was supposed to have another shake I got really nauseated. I tried to just struggle through it and sip some water but it got so bad I thought I might vomit so I took some medicine (Meclizine). It definitely calmed my stomach down and I feel better but I am not going to be able to make my daily requirement of 5 shakes per day. I'm sipping on some Crystal Light w/ unflavored protein powder (Syntrax Nectar Medical) so I can at least get 3 shakes in. If I can finish this shake I will have had 60gms of protein & about 70oz of fluids. Tomorrow my goal is to get in my 5 full shakes. If for some reason the nausea continues I am going to call the Dr. and see what, if anything, I can do to help it. 

Overall, the nausea aside, today wasn't as hard as I thought. I did get pretty hungry about 2pm and that's when I had my 2nd shake and I felt better. Tomorrow is a new day and a new chance to do better, that's exactly what I'm going to do!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bring it on!

The words of R.E.M. are swirling in my head this morning.

 "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine"

Today marks my last day before my WLS journey really begins, because tomorrow I start my 2 week liquid protein diet. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous, I am. I will probably have a break down or two, cry or whine over the next 2 weeks. However, I know that this is the right path for me and while these next 2 weeks might be the hardest part of this whole journey. Basically you are living your life as if you had already had the surgery. Reducing calories down to about 800 a day and 40gms of carbs or less. Here's what I get to eat/drink for the next 2 weeks:

Protein shakes
Crystal Lite or Sugar Free Koolaid
Flavored waters like Propel or Powerade Zero
Sugar Free Popsicles 
Sugar Free Jello

Sounds yummy doesn't it?!? I've stocked up, bought every flavor jello I could find and got some popsicle molds to make my own popsicles from Crystal Lite/Koolaid. Now the whole reason for this 2 week diet is to get my body ready for the surgery. One major benefit from doing this is that it shrinks the liver. The VSG surgery is done laparoscopically and to be successful they have to maneuver around the liver. It also aids in pre-op weight loss. I've heard others doing the 2 week liquid diet have lost 0-20+ pounds, but everyone is different. 

Tonight I will be taking photos of my starting point and taking measurements. I want to document this journey I am going on every way possible. It's the start of a whole new me and I am so excited. I'm not jaded, I know this is not going to be a walk in the park. I'm ready to do the work. For myself, for my husband and my son. They mean the world to me and I want to be here with them for as long as possible. This surgery is giving me the opportunity to restart my life and create a better future for all of us. I'm so lucky to have the unwavering support of my husband along with family & friends. 

I'm ready for this. BRING IT ON!!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Congrats Eggface!!

She's hit a major milestone! 10,000 Friends on Facebook!! To celebrate she's having an AMAZING giveaway perfect for any WLS pre or post op! Head on over and enter!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Food Funeral & Shopping.

I had a mini food funeral today. I said good bye to my love for Nachos Belgrande at Taco Bell for lunch this afternoon. It was a spur of the moment thing. I know this is my last few days to indulge in some foods that I will NEVER have again. Some of the foods I like can be modified and eaten later in my post-op life but, under no circumstances do I want to go through the Taco Bell drive thru again. So now that my tummy is full of Nachos I bid them adieu. So long. Auf Weidersehen. Bye Bye

In other news, some of my purchases have arrived over the past couple of days! Yesterday I got a shipment of Torani Sugar Free Syrups. The flavors I chose are Lemon, Raspberry, Lime, Peppermint, Coffee & Peach, add those to my Vanilla & Caramel that I have already! I love my little stockpile of syrups! Great for making new flavors of protein shakes, like taking a chocolate base shake and adding coffee and vanilla for a mocha latte flavor! They are also good for mixing into plain greek yogurt, the flavored ones have so much sugar from the fruit they put in there. I plan on getting some more flavors, especially the Strawberry, Mango & Pumpkin Pie flavors! YUM!

I also go my sample servings from About Time. I blogged about them before, but they run a great deal on their samples. It's only $3.99 with FREE shipping for 2 samples and you get to pick the flavors! I could not resist something called Mocha Mint, so I ordered 4 of those, 1 Banana & 1 Peanut Butter. I really hope the taste is there because there are ZERO carbs in their powder and they are all natural. I would love to be able to use there brand. Keeping my fingers crossed, I'll let you know next week when I start my diet how they taste! 

In other news, I've been starting my treadmill work. I went today and did .77 mile in 31 mins. Burned about 200 calories. So far so good. Going to keep it gentle and slow because I do NOT want to aggravate my back. It was quite sore after today's work out. Slow & steady! Since Monday I have lost 3 of the 8lbs that I gained since my initial visit in July. Anything I can get off before the surgery is good news! I'm proud of the eating choices I've made this week, well, other than my little Taco Bell funeral. Oh well. It is what it is. 

I officially start my liquid diet on Tuesday so this weekend we are all going out together as a family, kinda my "Last Supper" if you will. A lot of weight loss surgery patients believe in the "food funeral" and others do not. Personally I feel that I'm making such a HUGE life change with this surgery for the REST OF MY LIFE that I want to leave certain foods behind me. Foods that I know are an issue for me and will cause me problems. That is why I have chosen not to do a blanket food funeral but rather a selective one. I've said my goodbyes to pizza, bagels and now nachos. Only thing left on the list now is mac & cheese. These foods while could be eaten later down the road after surgery I know that I do not want to go back to bad choices so for me there will be a strict carb limit. Notice that all the things on my little list are carbs! I've been starving the carb monster for the past 4 days and have been doing well, the headaches are the worst part. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Last class!

Today was my last pre-op class! This was a group class, about 10 of us, with the nurses. Just the ins & outs of the liquid protein diet we have to do and pre & post operative care. It was a good class. They had a "protein bar" with different protein shakes & drinks for us to sample. It was nice, some were good, some were bad and some were REALLY bad! I got to ask all my questions and for some reason I felt very confident in the room. I kept asking questions and commenting on things when normally I am very quiet and reserved. I just think I'm so confident in my decision to do the surgery that I feel ready and that makes me more self assured. We got a goody bag with a bunch of samples and other items to help us in our weight loss post-op.

I also found out some good news today, my brother is driving all the way from Cleveland, OH to St. Louis, MO to be with me during my surgery! He said he supports me in my decision and wants to be with me when I go through it. I'm glad that I have so many people in my life that are so kind and supportive of this. I have a few people who are not thrilled with my decision to say the least and it makes it all the more important to me to have those who support me around me. You know who you are, I love you all! 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Hitting the gym.

So it's officially the week of my last pre-op class. My appointment is Wednesday. I am so excited! 22 days until my surgery & 7 days until my all liquid pre-op diet starts.

So after my realization the other day about the 8lbs I put on I decided to reign in my eating and start my daily exercising. I have 1 week to reign in the carb monster & get ready for my liquid diet. I have officially said goodbye to pizza & bagels, 2 of my 4 trigger foods (pizza, mac & cheese, bagels, chocolate). I plan to say goodbye to mac & cheese this week sometime and chocolate, well, that will be last, ha ha. These are 4 foods that I will not be having until I am in weight maintenance long, long in the future. They are just foods that lead me to dark places and an overstuffed stomach. Nothing good comes from them for me.

As for the exercise, since I am still somewhat limited by my back (spinal discectomy gone wrong in 2010) I have chosen to just do treadmill work until I loose a good chunk of weight and I am less restricted. Today was my first day back on and I logged in .70 mile in 28 mins. Not much by some people's standards but I got off my butt and went to the gym, that was my first victory, not to mention the 28 mins I walked on the treadmill! Score!

Friday, September 21, 2012


So, I'm a little ashamed to say that after I found out I was approved for my Sleeve Gastrectomy I had a very stupid idea that I needed to "Eat ALL the foods". Yeah, my twisted brain rationalized "well, I won't be able to eat, insert food item here, after the surgery so I need to eat 3 of them now". Yeah, real smart right? Call it lack of self control, call it weakness, call it overindulgence, it has to STOP. I gained 8lbs. Yes, 8 freaking pounds. Am I crazy?!? Like I need another 8lbs to carry around. So, since it's grocery shopping week anyways I decided that since I have 11 days before my all liquid diet I am going to reduce calorie intake this coming week. It will hopefully help with getting those 8lbs off. Cutting back calorie wise & junk wise should also make it an easier transition to the all liquid protein diet.

All this made me realize that I still have some issues with food in general that I need to work on. I think the best quote so far has come from Shelly aka Eggface 

 Remember food for us was an addiction. We are recovering addicts. Weight Loss Surgery Success = working on the head as well as the body. They operate on our guts, not our heads. That is up to us!

I also ordered a few samples from AboutTime. They are recommended on the ObesityHelp forums quite often and they have a great deal on their sample packs. You get 2 flavors that you get to choose for $3.99 and free shipping. I ordered 4 Mocha Mint, 1 Banana & 1 Peanut Butter. You can order yours at ShopAboutTime

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Today was my pre-op testing. An EEG and some blood work, easy peasy. My next milestone is on the 26th which is my last set of classes before my surgery. I can't believe it's getting closer & closer! I am so ready for this.

While I was at the hospital I stopped at the pharmacy and perused the bariatric section they have there.  They promote Bariatric Advantage the most, but there was some Celebrate stuff there. I did pick up 2 shake samples by BA in Vanilla & Banana to try.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Taste Test.

So, I've been kinda bad today and forgot to stay on my 3 meals a day. I completely skipped lunch. I was so focused on cleaning. I've been in cleaning mode all day! So to get some protein in I reached for a bar from my little stash of samples to try. Today's winner: Pure Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter. 

Very candy bar like. It's chocolate coated and has a nougat like center. There are some crunchy bits in the nougat that are like rice krispies. The chocolate taste like real chocolate no doubt, but it melts away quickly and you are left with the actual protein "mash" inside. I wouldn't say it's very peanut buttery but it is a pleasant taste. I can tell though after about 1/2 of the bar that this particular one at least will give me some heartburn/acid reflux as I'm already getting some burning in my throat. It's definitely edible, much more palatable than say the QuestBars. It also contains some sugar alcohols, 6gms so that would be something to watch post surgery. Overall, just meh. But at least I got some protein in this afternoon! 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pantry Raid.

Did you read the title wrong?!? Ha. Sorry, just a little joke. :P

So I've started stocking up on a few things for my liquid diet & post-op diet. I've gotten so much stuff and it's in crazy places around the house! So, today I decided to clean out our pantry and make 2 shelves "my domain".  I'm a person that likes to be prepared. I also like to shop. So behold my stock.


IsoPure, Muscle Milk Light, Crystal Light, Propel, PB2, QuestBars, Pure Protein Bars, Muscle Milk Light Bars, Click Espresso Mocha Protein, Blender Bottle, Arrowhead Mills Pancake & Waffle mix, Torani Syrups & Sugar free pudding.

Some of this will come into play later down my post-op journey but most of it is for my liquid diet. I'm just so happy to have a place for all of it! This is getting real! 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Deal Alert!

So, anyone who reads The World According the Eggface knows she loves her protein ice creams! And let me tell you as an ice cream addict, the thought that I will still be able to enjoy ice cream after WLS was a HUGE surprise & thrill for me. I've been looking for a good ice cream maker for the past few weeks and came across a great deal on A Cuisinart ICE-20R 1.5-quart Automatic Ice Cream/ Frozen Yogurt Maker for, wait for it...... $35.94! Yes, it is refurbished, but comes with the same warranty from Overstock as a new item and their return policy is easy & hassle free. If you are in the market for one, grab it while you can because the white version, which I bought this morning, is already out of stock! Can't wait to make some yummy protein ice cream in this baby!! 

30 days to go.

It's almost here! This week I have my pre-op testing on Thursday. This is getting real!

I've been making small changes for awhile now getting ready for my surgery. The first and what I thought would be the hardest was giving up carbonation. I've been soda free for years now but I would drink seltzer water like it was going out of style. Basically, that's ALL I would drink. The first week I cut down from 6+ cans a day to 3 a day. Then the second week I decided to give it all up. It was actually easier than I thought. I've now been carbonation free for 2 months! Propel, Crystal Light and Powerade Zero are my new friends.

The other thing I cut out was gum. Which was harder. I chewed gum ALL the time. I can't chew gum for the first 6 months after my surgery so I had to cull that habit. I still slip every now and then.

I've become more aware of my protein intake, which after surgery will be extremely important. I will need to make sure my daily protein is 64gms or more. I'm not a huge meat eater. Every once in awhile I will have some chicken, but that's about it. The good thing is there is so many other ways to get my protein that I don't have to worry about it! A few things that are going to be a big part of my protein for the day is cheese, yogurt, beans and "meat-less" meats like Morning Star Farms or Boca. My favorites are the MorningStar Farms® Chik Patties® Original 140 calories and 8gms of protein!

In preparation for my 2 week liquid protein diet I have been sampling some protein powders and drinks. This week  I tried and stocked up on some IsoPure. It's a great clear fruit protein drink similar to Gatorade or Powerade. It definitely has an aftertaste, it IS whey protein after all, but it is a GREAT alternative to all those milk based shakes & drinks that are in my near future. It comes in a bunch of great flavors and each bottle is 40gms of protein. I got a great deal at my local GNC while they were BOGO 50% off. Plus I'm a Gold Card member which saved me 15% off my order AND I had a $10 off coupon. I got an entire case for $38. Retail is $75 for a case! 

Plus they were giving away a free Quest Protein Barwith purchases so I got to try the Cinnamon Roll bar. I've heard a lot of good things about Quest bars, but I just don't think they are for me. The texture is really grainy and it tastes nothing of cinnamon roll. The best I can say is that I got a hint of cinnamon aftertaste but other than that it was just eating a sticky, grainy bar of goo. It sure does pack in a lot of protein in a small package but I'm sure there are other options out there that are more palette friendly for me. 

In the coming weeks I will start taking and posting some photos. I will be chronicling my weight loss journey visually as well by taking periodical photos and sharing them. It will mostly likely be a monthly thing. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

The start of something good.

Today is 33 days until my surgery (Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy). I've jumped all the hoops. Attended all the appointments. Dealt with the insurance. Had the proper tests. I have 2 more appointments beforehand and then it's awhile new life for me.

Step 1 is my pre-op testing. Normal blood work, EEG and other random tests.
Step 2 is my nurse/nutrition class. Learning what to do before, during and after surgery.

Included in step 2 is my 2 week liquid protein diet. My Dr. elected to have me do the full 2 weeks in an attempt to shrink my liver to make surgery easier. It also aids in pre-op weight loss, so loosing a few more pounds surely won't hurt! I think I'm more afraid of this than the actual surgery! Ha.

This is all about my future now. THIS is the start of something good........